1. Seats are without backrests.
2. The rise from row to row does not exceed 6 inches (152mm) per row.
3. The row spacing does not exceed 28 inches (711 mm) unless the seat boards and footboards are at the same elevation.
4. The number of rows does not exceed 16 rows in height.
5. The first seating board is not more than 12 inches (305 mm) above the ground or floor below or a cross aisle.
6.Seatboards have a continuous flat surface.
7.Seatboards provide a walking surface with a minimum width of 11 inches (279 mm)
8. Egress from seating is not restricted by rails, guards, or other obstructions.
All BuiltRiteBleachers.com low rise bleachers under 16 rows in height meet all of the above conditions.
404.5 Required width. The clear width of aisles and other means of egress for indoor smoke protected assemblyseating shall not be less than the occupant load served by the egress elements multiplied by the appropriate factor in table 404.5 (1). The clear width of aisles and other means of egress for indoor assembly seating that is not smoke protected area shall not be less than the occupant load served by the egress elements multiplied by the appropriate factor in table 404.5 (3) The total number of seats specified shall be those within the space exposed to the same environment.
Aisles shall also comply with section 405. The clear width shall be measured to walls, edges, of seating and tread edges, except for permitted projections. There shall be no obstructions in the required width of aisles except for handrails as provided in Section 409.7